Keeping Up the Appearance
"But the Lord said to Samuel, do not consider his appearance or his height, for i have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7.
Man looks at outward things. I'm often reminded of 'Keeping Up Appearances' and how Mrs Bucket goes to so much trouble to 'keep up her appearance' that it makes her look ridiculous and drives her husband crazy. Sadly, i think we can be just like her. We can insist that we are like everyone else but ourselves.
I tend to judge people by their body language. Do they have eyes with life shining through and bright, or do they seem dark and lifeless? What is the reaction when we meet? Do they seem interested in who i am? Do they want to be seen with me? And what is their motive behind those compliments?
When God looks at our heart, he sees who we truely are. Our failures and our triumphs. Our likes and dislikes and our character. However much we think we suck, He still loves us. Don't you find that just incredibly amazing?! If only we knew who we truely are, and to know who we undoubtedly belong to.
When people see me, i want them to know who i am, the way God sees me, not just what i look like, or who i'm pretending to be. It may hurt me for them to see my failures, but it's who i am in God's eyes that should really count. My grandmother often tells me how much i look like the late Princess Diana. I wouldn't have minded the 'princess treatment', but i don't want people to judge me by appearances alone.
If people are looking at my heart, i need to make sure my heart is pure, and that whoevers looking at my heart is pointed firmly towards God. (Admire the art, but what is the art without the one who made it in the first place -a pure mon quote. Want another? "If there were really any good new years resolutions, i'd start today".) I want them to see how beautiful He is.
I'm focussing more on reading God's word and communicating with Him, I need to know and love Him if i'm to show others who God is. So, my heart needs a little 'buffing' in this area. Sometimes prayer is such a tedious task and i really wish it wasn't like that. Please pray for that, i'd be very much appreciative.