Thursday, February 19, 2015

SHUT THE... door.

I don't know about you, but I spend a lot of my time telling my kids to:

Shut the door!

Shut the door, don't let the dog inside!

Shut the door, it's raining!

Shut the door and don't bring sand inside!

Or my favourite:

Shut the door -don't let the penguins out!

But sometimes I feel we shut the door too much.

Close the door because I don't have the time.

Close the door because I have my own agenda.

Close the door because I don't want to express my emotion.

Close the door because I  don't understand.

Close the door because I am afraid.

Maybe it's time to open the door to God. Sometimes open the door to conflict, to lessons he might be teaching us. Open to the impossible because God does the impossible.

And keeping it open -always to his voice.


Blogger ~Karrilee~ from Abiding Love, Abounding Grace said...

Ah yes... the importance of keeping Open! And yes, always to his voice! Amen!

February 19, 2015  
Anonymous Donna said...


February 19, 2015  
Anonymous Sylvia R said...

You know what this makes me think of? After both my mother, then my father, died, when all my brothers and I were gathered together at the family house to clear things out and put everything in order for auction, we turned on all the lights and opened all the doors--- and left them that way for hours! It wasn't meant as disrespect in any way. We, all but one, had children of our own, nearly grown, by then. But that desire NOT to have the doors closed, or every light turned off behind us... well, I think it was about an emotional and spiritual need all we humans have!
Great thoughts here. I like the depth of your brief posts!

January 15, 2016  

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