It is so easy to be caught up in the here and now, and what is happening at the moment.
And so easy to forget what really matters. So easy not to see what's really happening before your eyes, or even it's significance. The growing, the breaking, the rebuilding.
So even though I may be staring at deep hole wondering where my last few years have gone and wondering if there was any significance at all -because now it looks like a pile of swept up dust,
What I'm not really perceiving is that within this hole there are foundations slowly being built. There needs to be a hole because these foundations need to be deep enough to hold what is being built upon them.
FMF www.katemotaung.com
Monica, Indeed. Build a strong foundation. Neighbor at Kate's this morning.
Deep holes for foundations to be made strong! What a strong, true, insightful thought! Cling to it! I've suffered big painful holes in my life, and I can now see, especially as I reflect on what you wrote here, that they have served just that purpose. Praying for God to bless you as you move forward, seeing more clearly what's happening right before your eyes and building, building...
I'm a new reader, so I don't know the history. However, I know rebuilding can be hard and I pray for you as work on that strong foundation.
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