Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My card collection

I have a card collection.

The total equals around 50. I started the collection last year. They are all unique and different and there's only two pairs alike. I regularly read them as a quick 'pick me up'. They range from impersonal "To monica (insert card welcome here) hope santa comes love (insert sender here) to really deep meaningful words.

Some i know were painstakingly written. Both in the way of physical pain, and in utter heart-to-heart thoughts. The reasons they were made vary, some christmas cards; others, "i'm thinking of yous"; yet others, "congratulations on the arrival of michael" and some, as a quick hello. I love these cards, and i love the people who send them.

These cards sit on my shelf. My 'God shelf' i like to call it. The shelf lies at the foot of my bed, so it's easy to access them in the middle of the night. I don't really send cards to others. I write them letters. Depending on my mood, they can be up to six pages long. It takes dedication to write that much. But this is just another random fact in my life. A little insight into 'the mon you think you know'.


Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

Hey monny, talk about timely. Bee and I were just chatting about this today. I keep all my cards too. I love them more than presents. I love when people take the time to tell me that they care, and I love to do the same in return.

Cards are awesome...I still adore the cards long after I forget what I recieved as a present. It's a beautiful beautiful thing. There's power in meaningful words of affirmation. They let you know that you have brotherly and sisterly alliances in this world, and they let you know that no matter how much you screw things up, there'll always be people who'll help you get back onto your feet.

It's a truely sacred thing.

Love you monny, and keep blogging :D

Jess xoxo

December 20, 2005  
Blogger Meika said...

i love you monberry.

December 21, 2005  

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