Monday, January 22, 2007

Chesed: covenant love

There are 19 days left til I'm married.
And that's a really huge step.

If you had told me 12 months ago that i was going to get married, i would have laughed. That reminds me of Sarai. She laughed God's messengers told her that she was going to have a child.

I remember a conversation with my friend that went along the lines of: "Im never going to find a guy...who's going to want me now i'm tainted?" To which she replied: "If he's the right guy, that won't matter to him".

I think everythings going fine preparation-wise. Except for makeup. I'm still doing research for that. Note to bride-to-bes: Ask for help, make lots of friends, and preps going to be so much easier.

How about you guys ask specific questions?