Monday, January 22, 2007

Chesed: covenant love

There are 19 days left til I'm married.
And that's a really huge step.

If you had told me 12 months ago that i was going to get married, i would have laughed. That reminds me of Sarai. She laughed God's messengers told her that she was going to have a child.

I remember a conversation with my friend that went along the lines of: "Im never going to find a guy...who's going to want me now i'm tainted?" To which she replied: "If he's the right guy, that won't matter to him".

I think everythings going fine preparation-wise. Except for makeup. I'm still doing research for that. Note to bride-to-bes: Ask for help, make lots of friends, and preps going to be so much easier.

How about you guys ask specific questions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has there been anyone/couple etc who you've journied with over the past few months regarding your relationship with Chris etc. If so, how'd you go about that, how does that work. What wise advice have you learnt?

January 22, 2007  
Blogger Jezika_Rae said...

oooh Bec, great question!
I was just going to ask what your dress looks like!

(feeling ever so slightly out-shone now...thanks alot Bec! :P )

Apart from still wanting to know what the dress looks like, What was the biggest thing that you felt you needed, before you were ready to be married?

I know that the answer to that question is going to be different for everyone, as I know what I needed for me, I'm just interested in what was the big one for you.

Love you Monny, hope the wedding preps aren't too stressy and Bridezilla is nowhere to be seen :P
Not that I can imagine you even getting anywhere close to being a bridezilla!! ;)
more love than you can handle!
Jess xoxo

February 08, 2007  

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