Saturday, November 12, 2005


So i talked to this guy about it who said, "interesting you should say that...fusion is thinking of having some kind of youth thing, so why don't you try and come along to the fusion training day?"

Sounds like a great opportunity.


Blogger Meika said...

oooh, thats very exciting for you my dear Mon... it seems stuff is happening... *smiles*

keep trusting in God..

(oh yeah, does that linky go anywhere?)

November 17, 2005  
Blogger _monica_ said...

indeed it does sam. A nice cd :) i rather like it, perhaps my readers (lol i have readers!) would too.

November 18, 2005  
Blogger Meika said...

err... i cant get any further than the first pagey thing, where it says enter.. it doesnt let me enter...


November 18, 2005  

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