Sunday, January 15, 2006

quiet and confident (disconnected thoughts)

We can be both quiet and confident. God would want this because it helps to demonstrate God's love to others. We can be seen as different (or as freaks) in the world. To the world success means everything. A dog-eat-dog world where people bring down others to get to the top. We're not called to do that.

We need righteousness to show God's love, to be an example of God's love. One of the ways we can do that by never giving up..."love never fails". Sometimes it's a little hard to determine love from lust. I know i have that problem because i experienced that last week. A relationship that went a little askew.

Lately i've been home alone, my family went on holidays without me. The main reason being that there is practically nowhere for accomodation of seven people fitting into one room, and being fiancially-minded, my dad refused to have two rooms. Never mind, this has been a learning experience.


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