I often wonder what it would have been like to see Jesus rise from the dead. Like Mary's experience, would i be certain that all hope was gone, and then discover that everything He said finally made sense, and that there really is hope after all? Of course i would have been scared, who isn't afraid of weird experiences?
But I'm not sure i could ever capture that deep sense of joy she must have had. From despair to absolute joy.
I was listening to Rhema FM this evening, and Howard was talking about (hmm...can't remember the verse) and how it is a good idea to make a list of everything we want to do first thing, and present that list to God. I'm a timetable / routine kind of girl. I like to organise everything. (Most of you don't know that, but it is there). I like to set out my day. Most importantly i like the mail-lady to be on time. So i guess that piece of thought just appealed to me.
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